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Devil's in the Details

3 comments on Devil's in the Details

aaaah damn the mix is done! it was short lived, but awesome-filled! (haha i didn't mean to rhyme that actually) also, getting more acquainted with that site, it's a really cool idea, and the tone is just perfect! (ignore the bulgakov comment btw, you weren't the one that posted that segment)

ok, the second song is fucking amazing too (alberta cross). also, i'm in the process of stalking your website, which is pretty neat and addictive - very addictive (so yes i'm assuming you are a lit major, or just like reading). btw someone just recommended that bulgakov book to me, i've never heard of it before

haha nice, i'm still only on the first song and i already know that i'm going to love this mix! p.s. i love your literary references btw (twain), are you a lit major?
