25 comments on i'm lost by qitan

I think anything else I'd say would be meaningless - but I love this mix. I love the tracks in it; thank you for the comfortable loneliness.

This mix is magnificent- so fuck those things making you feel sad, you have awesome taste in music (which usually means you're a great person).

Good news is you don't have to know what you're doing. And while everyone else seems to have it together, nobody truly does. Everyone else is struggling. Some more than others, but in the end we're all trying to make the most out of everything. We're kids trying to leave the playground. That's all. Just do whatever you feel like doing and that will make your life whole. Things don't have to make any sense and although we're never alone, we are all lost. :)

This mix is amazing and gave me the strength to face my future head on. You are a wonderful person and not alone.

You guys are all really awesome and I was having a pretty tough day yesterday, but all of this really made me feel like I'm not the only one that feels clueless about the direction of my life. Thank you for brightening my weekend and acknowledging that there will always be people there to comfort you.
