I could say that I resist a lot, able enough, even I could box somebody and succeed, but music is the only element that dominates me at every level, music make of me what he wants, music throws me on the ground hitting my brain dominating me I can't resist I fell wick against music, all I have to do is to follow and create sounds of music, having joy in life lovin in it.

Ras Paulos musikalische Wurzeln sind die Kapverden, seine Heimat, wo er als Sohn eines Sängers und Gitarristen aufwuchs. Bevor er nach München zog, lebte Paulo jahrelang in Portugal, tourte dort und in Spanien mit verschiedenen Reggae-Bands. Seine aktuelle Band „Ras Paulo & Family“ spielt Roots & Culture und Weltmusik.

gosta de reggae music? então ouça ras paulohttp://daivarela.blogspot.de/2012/02/gostas-de-reggae-music-entao-ouca-ras.html


Member since Jun 2012
