If you like piña coladas, an' getting caught in the rain, if you're not in yoga if you have half a brain, if you like making love at midnight in the dooms of a cave, then I'm the love that you've looked for, write to me and escape.??

Just your average kinda cute, kinda hot, kinda sexy, hysterically funny, but not funny-looking guy who you could fuck...

Alabado sea el kernel Linux y las herramientas del GNU. Santificado sea el código Binario y venga a nosotros tu fuente. Salvanos de todo pantallazo azul, por los ciclos de los ciclos. Shut Down.

Story of my life: "Who's gonna save my soul now?"

Guy:*gives heart* Here you go.

Girl: You do realize I'm breaking up with you right?

Guy: That's the strange thing, it's actully yours now. I dont know why it works this way, but I'm never gonna be able to get over you, And so, from now on every girl that I meet will be meticulously compared to you and unfortunately none of them will mesure up to the false memory of what you and I once "had".

Girl: Well, maybe I can just keep it for a little while, and use it for small things like when I've had a really shitty day or I need someone to talk to, or if I need someone to move something really heavy. And then, eventually I'll give it back to you when we both find someone new.

Guy: Unfortunately it wont work that way.

Girl: Why not?

Guy: Well, now that you have my heart I'm pretty much an empty cavity inside, for lack of a better term, "heartless" I will now treat each woman I meet with a passive-aggressive contentioness that will ruin relationship after relationship for many years to come.

TOP TAGS dubstep, Skrillex, electronic, sex, psychedelic trance

Member since Nov 2011
