Nudism Throughout History
A society's approach toward public nudity can show an excellent deal about its culture, attitudes and occasionally its religious beliefs. Nudity is occasionally extended to all areas of life, while in other contexts it's confined to specific settings or actions. For instance, some societies condone nudity during athletic activities, while supporting the wearing of clothes at other times.  of habitually wearing garments is a fairly recent creation in human history. In primeval times our distant ancestors, evolving in Africa and migrating into a universe of tropical and temperate climates, were surely nude most or all of the time. Nevertheless, as people expanded into colder areas, they immediately had to accommodate artificial covering, so that as soon as they did that, in addition they started adopting customs to govern what clothes should be worn, and when it should be worn. In different societies clothing or having less it has been viewed as being sexual in nature, as connoting social status or the deficiency of it, as signaling a certain spiritual or philosophical association, or as signaling a certain economical station. Historical texts from many cultures make reference to the poor and downtrodden as nude, and in a society with that attitude, a person who could manage clothing would certainly wear them to reveal that they weren't poor and downtrodden. It is easy to see how clothes quickly became more than a practical body covering, and began to assume other societal meanings.
History of Naturism
In some ancient societies, the display of the nude body was linked to some certain religious doctrine. For instance, the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten, who ruled from about 1353 to 1336 B.C., worshiped the sun disc and believed that the body should be proudly displayed in its light. Depictions of Akehnaten and his queen, Nefertiti, reveal them wearing very little clothes at all, basking in the holy light of sunlight. While Akhenaten may have been the first of the pharaohs to attach a religious connotation to the practice of public nudity, he definitely didn't invent the theory in Egyptian culture. Egyptian delineations from much earlier periods also show folks wearing no clothes, or clothing that was kind-fitting and even transparent. The ancient Egyptians were quite open about sexuality, and attached a strong sensual connotation to their near-nakedness. Art from ancient Egypt sometimes depicts sexual acts in quite explicit and also comical ways.
Some other historical groups attached less of an sexual meaning to nakedness. In India, for example, certain religious sects required nudity as an indication of the renunciation of worldly possessions. Our knowledge with this comes from Greek historians of the time of Alexander the Great, who reported that there were several of these sects, the biggest of which was called the Ajivikas. The Greeks called these groups gymnosophists, from their word gymnos, meaning naked. The purpose to be stressed here is that it was a completely different significance for nudity than in the Egyptian culture. While the Egyptians were openly erotic and obviously took great joy in showing their bodies, the Indian ascetics used nudity as an indication of giving up worldly pleasure and embracing a pure and sacred mind-set.
Michelangelo Statue of David
Yet, nudity in early India was not strictly an ascetic matter, for the Hindu faith also comprehended the holiness of sexuality. A Hindu sect called the Sakas, who were thriving about a thousand years past, decorated their temples with explicitly sexual art. Sexuality was viewed as a holy matter, the procreative power of the divine. Such lusty sculpture can be seen now at Indian sites such as Khajurako, Konarak and Ellora.
The Greeks had a custom of nudity that involved both a frank admiration for the great thing about the human anatomy and a deep-seated spiritual doctrine. The Greeks believed that their gods had created individuals to look like themselves, so there was no shame in showing our own godlike types. Greek deities are normally depicted as perfect physical specimens wearing few if any garments, and their mortal worshipers adopted the same fashion. Greek garments were simple pieces of cloth draped or wrapped around the human body, instantly removed at a moment's notice. If your man in ancient Greece were working or playing hard, they might believe nothing of removing the garment. The Greeks were saying, "Our gods are lovely, and since we look like the gods, we are amazing, too." Specifically, it was expected that athletes would be nude when they participated in sports. Our word gymnasium comes from the Greek gymnos meaning nude, since the individuals who worked out there always were.
The Romans adopted much of the culture in their Greek predecessors, but in Roman society nudity was firmly confined to specific settings and actions. Romans were anticipated to wear clothing in most public places, but nudity was condoned as well as anticipated in athletic activities, in the public baths and at public latrines. The approval of nudity in athletics, and particularly in gladiatorial competitions, was probably a practice inherited from the Etruscans, another ethnic forerunner of the Romans.  depicts gladiators fighting entirely nude.
Another historical society that relegates nudity to certain locations and times is that of Japan. While Japanese culture allows the honest discussion of erotic issues, as well as the teaching of sexual techniques to future newlyweds, nakedness is typically frowned upon. The bare human body is not considered a fitting subject for art, as well as paintings of fans in bed show them fully clothed. Nonetheless, Japanese culture also makes allowance for group bathing, frequently by large family groups. Until the 20th century, such communal washing was a regular part of daily life for many Japanese, and even today it truly is still practiced in some out-of-the-way areas.

Every one of these cultures firmly discouraged nudity in other public settings.
Other ethnic groups who didn't cover their bodies were considered subhuman, and a powerful sense of physical modesty was taken as evidence of the superiority of Chinese culture. Girls are not even allowed to uncover their bodies for their physicians, and had to point out their aches and pains on dolls specially made for the function.
Paganism, both in its early and modern forms, makes use of rite nakedness that will be usually confined to specific areas and occasions. Individuals who conformed to Wicca or some other historical religions would occasionally dance nude, or "sky-clad" during seasonal rituals. Among people who hold such beliefs now, the practice may also be still carried on. In these contexts, nakedness is viewed as a state of naturalness which makes the worshiper more receptive to divine power. As in other societies, nudity is closely linked to both religious belief and sexual abandon, which will not be seen as being opposed to each other.

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