345 comments on music that makes you feel important. by Sara_Shine

8 years and this is still my Go To station when I need study music.

Stumbled on this. PIRATES OF THE CARRIBEAN FOREVERRRR. its 1am. i shall not get any sleep tonight i fear haha so motivated!

Maximise this experience in 4 simple steps: 1) Make a coffee so strong that your spoon can stand up in it 2) Press play 3) Down coffee 4) Wear a monocle 5) Ride into work on jet black horse. Mint mix AND you're from Huntsville, which is a nice coincidence in that I'm going there in about 10 days...

I feel like I should be out doing something epic, not just chilling on my laptop writing an essay....

Much appreciated indeed.

this mix is pretty much the most epically epic thing that contains the most epicocity to ever exist
