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“‘The dish of revenge,’ they say in France, ‘is best eaten cold.’ And Lorenzo de’ Medici finally had the last of his in April 1488, exactly ten years after the attempt to kill him in Florence at High Mass.”
— April Blood, Lauro Martines

8 tracks
5 comments on death has grown noble

believe it or not, i actually searched Pazzi conspiracy and I was /going/ to give up and curse 8tracks... but then i found this. Thank you, so much.

This is such a great comment to hear, especially after witnessing people once described this compilation as “cozy autumn study mix” over at Tumblr. Like, okay, I aimed for revengeful bloodbath but I guess I’ll have to settle for feral sweater assassins with pumpkin spice latte, I guess. (So, thank /you/ :'))

@maraudersandthemap this makes me so happy since a thing @estrangera wrote is actually what compelled me to create it (I even stole the title from her) so I’m just sitting here like a proud mother because this thing still serves to its noble purpose.

This is beautiful. As someone who rarely listens to classical music, I've got to say, you just made me want to listen to all of it.
