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Business. Numbers. Money. People. Welcome to Wall Street, home of the Patrick Bateman Vulture Class. To play, insert coins and navigate your way to financial freedom (or ruin) through a complex web of predatory policies and practices. The rules? There are NO FUCKING RULES dude! Game On. And good luck!

** For your convenience, all safety nets have been removed from gameplay.

((((“Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell."))))

17 tracks
13 comments on Cocaine Capitalism (View all)

Where can I sign to request a second part?
I love the atmosphere it conveys, I'll bet half of the plays it has are mine :-)

Well, I had the idea for this mix for about a year before it finally came together, and while I'd love to make a part 2 (it's on the radar), it's a matter of making sure everything is up to par with this mix, quality-wise. When I get enough material, I'll make sure you know it's up! But it could be quite while.

@Rockafu Hi there! Part 2, which took on a different form, has finally arrived. Only took 3 years! Just letting you know as promised, though you might not even use the site anymore. Cheers. ^_^
