10 comments on Vaguaries by thabeesknees

damn. you know what. forget it. hahaha the biosphere track obviously shot me with the tranq, but if 8tracks continues to insist that it was the Habenera track, then it was a tranq of love. that was my favorite in this whole mix.

ha, 8tracks always fucks up my comments. here it is corrected.

Habanera --- << just shot me with a tranq. eh, im out cold and i love it.

Bjork is like diving into a pile of feathers love em.


nice transfer into some cujo~!! was not expecting that.

Mmmmatmos.. very good stuff

so smooth, so calm, then that great transfer into a quicker mood and then right back thanks to the Skatalites. Everything in here is grand! VERY well done
