398 comments on Ultimate Study Playlist II by TheGirlNamedJedrzejko

this playlist and the rest of the series got me through a bachelor's degree and a masters degree, and now it's getting me through my final graduate program. amazing.

I've listened to this playlist for years. It's always my go to for serious work. Back in college, I would hunker down and just blast this in my headphones. Thank you so much for your amazing curation. It's breathtaking and amazing!

Found you by following Salems-lot's noted inspiration of your playlists... so glad to be here!! Thank you, my days are all the better from listening to the playlists.

I love this playlist so much! Do you think you can put it up on spotify or something since 8tracks only allows for 2 hours of streaming now unless you pay?

I've listened to countless study playlists and this one is definitely one of the best ones. Thank you for making this amazing playlist.

Can someone tell me wich songs are in all this studying playlists? I used to listen to this when I was studying, but now, due to international restrictions I can't listen to it and I want to know the names of all the amazing songs. Pls, someone help me!

This has become my most beloved and favorite playlist to work and study!! To the point that now I even Need to work and study better!! Thank u!
