Hi! My name is Priya and I call myself The Spice Guide! I've grown up around spices my entire life, literally! I'm here to share my knowledge.

More detail:

Hello! I’m Priya from Louisiana and I’m passionate about blogging and sharing information I have learned over the years about spices. I’ve worked in a spice company here in the USA but I’ve also grown up around spices at home for over 20 years. I feel like I have a lot to share because I’ve studied quite a lot and have work experience too!

I feel best when I:

Help others. I love helping others learn more about their health and how food changes and diet can really provide a tremendous amount of benefits. After all, we are what we eat right?

I built this website to share with others how spices and herbs can really bring a big difference in your life. Lots of people know that spices are beneficial, but there’s not a lot of information in one place where you can find out all sorts of things about each spice.

That’s the goal of this site: http://thespiceguide.com/


Member since Jun 2019
