An Fear Seo Ró Rachaidh Mé Téigh Thar.?

I fight zombies on the side. Don't tell me about better days. I believe everything happens for a reason, and even though i always try to find that reason, I figure it's best we don't know. KARMA'S A BITCH. hurt someone, and you'll get your own. I have no regrets, just lessons learned. at least i tried. And at the end of the day I'm thinking about whose holding me together, not the ones who tore me apart. The few friends i have mean the world to me. the only people you need in your life, are the ones who prove they need to be in yours. I fight for what I love, and what I want. Some people say that makes me crazy, if that means I'm crazy, then so be it. You know I'm upset when i say I'm fine. I have a huge heart, i laugh too hard at stupid things. I always see shooting stars, and every time i look down, i bet there will be a 4 leaf clover, watch it happen.

TOP TAGS happy, indie, hip hop, upbeat, rock

Member since Nov 2011
