We want to heal the lepers, we just don't want the sickness.

"Imagine a day when there's no more sorrow, no more pain. Imagine a day when it's all gone away. In this time of emptiness there is nothing to harm us, strike us down, or lift us up. There simply is. It's a hard concept to grasp, something so abstract, that it goes beyond are conceptual abilities. This idea, so radical, so different, so wrong, can in fact, be true. Have you ever thought of that? Maybe life isn't what we think it is. Maybe science is wrong, philosophy right. Maybe there aren't only 3 dimensions. Ask questions, push your limits. After all, when your limits are pushed, they expand. So let me ask you; are you happy with the little that you are now? Cause in all honesty, we mean nothing by ourselves. We're worthless."

TOP TAGS soundtrack, rock, fast, Yu Miyake, Ty Segall

Member since Nov 2011
