"I Wanna Rock" is an online rock show. Based on the idea of sharing music and getting more people interested about it. It's not just about playing a playlist, but providing all possible info about the played track stories,lyrics and whats behind it. Each episode will have its unique theme from music history to classic albums,bands and for sure our underground bands scene and lots of other stuff.
All the underground bands who would like us to play their songs please contact us. Suggestions are welcomed anytime and we will be waiting for your feedback.
Stay tuned and if you like it support it and we won't fail you. Keep on rocking and always remember:
"Rock N' Roll Ain't Noise Pollution....Rock N' Roll Ain't Gonna Die."
Don't forget to follow us and subscribe

Youtube : www.youtube.com/channel/UCpnrX4sUASecD6nDUk-PN0Q
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/i-wanna-rock-1
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/I-Wanna-Rock-Online-Show/821082911251707
Spreaker: www.spreaker.com/user/iwannarock
