Open flames to my dying heart

There are times when I am All buisness. And then there are times when Im as childish as ever.
You can call me petty, thats fine, because when I am being petty, I do it on purpose probably just to annoy you.
Im muucccchhh to school for cool. I guess im just a nerd. with the attitude of a bit--. I dont exactly like people. But I can deal with them. I always have something smart to say and will eventually get on your nerves. NEVER! Ask me if I care, because there is a good chance that I just wont care:)
Anymore questions? HMU! And Ill be sure to do my best not to answer them:) And remember, there is a such thing as a dumb question.

TOP TAGS rock, indie, pop, mika, indie rock

Member since Jun 2011
