I'm a 19-year-old author based in Australia. I have had two short stories published by Write4Fun Australia, my debut novel Glass Bones self-published on Smashwords and available at Barnes and Noble Online, iBookstore and more. I have numerous followers on Twitter including the official Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard & Penguin UK & AU, plus numerous other famous names. I write numerous genres but I am best known for paranormal romance and dystopia. I am, however, planning to try my hand at steampunk and other genres. I have recently been attempting to write a novel named 'Ice' which follows a traditional love story, Greek mythology and magical finned beings.
My accomplishments are numerous. I was one of five shortlisted authors in a short story writing contest to meet Rebecca Lim who later I got in contact with and now keep in touch. I was mentioned in the newspaper Scone Advocate and have had personalised congratulations from local members of parliament. For those based in Scone, NSW, you can get my novel Glass Bones in paperback from Hunt-A-Book, Scone. They're brilliant people there and can help out so much!
I have a book coming out soon - hopefully - by the name of 'Ice' and will be available for free from Smashwords, iBookstore and Barnes and Noble Online. I am, however, currently waiting feedback from a traditional publisher on whether they'll take on the challenge of publishing 'Ice'.
In addition, I was accepted as one of six people to travel to Tasmania for a writer's scholarship over a period of 9 days with best selling author, Ben Kane, however this didn't go ahead as the facilitator fell ill at the last moment. All the best wishes for him and his family.
I am currently studying a Certificate in Romance Writing and a Certificate in Creative Writing through OpenColleges - great people but not so great with money! - which will give me certificates through the Australian College of Journalism upon completion. I am currently also studying a Certificate III in Early Childhood Care through TAFE full-time. I have a Certificate II in Hospitality that is recognised internationally that I completed during my final two years of high school.
For now, I am focusing on completing TAFE in June, finding a job to finance my car and hopefully getting published by a traditional publisher.

TOP TAGS science fiction, sad, romance, o'wanda, love

Member since Apr 2014

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Updated April 17, 2014

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