Victim of circumstances
I do not believe in MADE IN PAKISTAN version of islam and society based on that deformed version.
I believe that marriage should be simple and the way we get married here in this country, it is a sin and a crime.
How can you ask for money, gifts, cars, gold, furniture and other stuff when you already are taking the most precious thing from the girl's parents? Their daughter!
I define heaven: I hold my own baby (maybe one day) in my hands and the baby looks back in my eyes and smiles. That right there for me defines heaven. I guess people like me are forever condemned to hell!
I love my country and can die for it any given day. We are thankless people who do not know what a free breath means! We were born into it and never had to fight for it. I am hoping we dont have to.
Sadly, My country has become a country where what people think or will say if you do something has become more important.
My country has become a country where only for financial gains a channel can hold the government hostage.
My country has become a country where for financial gains and for ego we have been pushed into darkness.
My country has become a country where a whole nation still call themselves MAHAJIR even though they have been living here for over 60 years!
NO media, NO judiciary! Pakistan first!
Media and Lawyers screwed my country. Media for the money they could/have made and lawyers for their invested interests. Everyone is greedy and everyone is money hungry!
Suicide bombing? Name says it all! It is suicide and has NOTHING to do with Islam.
I learnt something very valueable few days back. NEVER respect those who do not deserve your respect.
Revenge is something I never believed in but my experience in the past few days have made me reevaluate my belief. Two people will have it coming.
Your biggest weakness lies in your greatest strength.
My business is mine, your business is yours.. don't bother me in mine, i wont bother you in yours!
Respect women, Respect women, RESPECT women! They are mothers, sisters and wives! They are not a piece of meat to be played with.
Life is the best teacher ever for those who want to learn from it.
Parents are a blessing. They are the only ones who can have a claim over you. There is no life without their blessings.

I have had the privilege of seeing the best of both worlds. I have no regrets from the way life has been. It ends today, will still be complete. Managed plays, concerts and dance parties in Lahore when there used to be only one or two in a year. Went on tableegh all over Pakistan for 4 months at one stretch. Watched Junaid Jamshed transform and change into what he is now infront of my own eyes. Life as it is, is complete! It has been an adventure that I have lived to the fullest and enjoyed every second of it. Yet there are certain things that still need to be done. Certain very important aspects of life that I now need to reclaim. So the adventure continues... :-)

TOP TAGS rock, linkin park, late 90s, early 2000s, blink‐182

Member since Sep 2011
