vew Play via YouTube OPEN IN APP NSFW Safe Is this playlist safe for work? diamond It's Going Down 20 tracks | 371,763 18,052 | Stats セレーナ・ゴメス Miley Cyrus partydanceworkoutrunning Liked Collect Share Edit Liked! Share this mix with friends: It's Going Down
94 comments on It's Going Down (View all)
Bieberzbae August 10, 2014
lovvee this*
⃠Bieberzbae August 10, 2014
⃠mdesa March 18, 2014
my fav mix on 8t but it always get stuck.
⃠vew staff March 20, 2014
Thanks! & I know what you mean, because the same thing happens to me when I play mixes...but I've asked other people & I'm pretty sure it's an 8tracks glitch, not something I can fix :(
⃠jones.loo.3 March 11, 2014
cool mix
⃠luisao12 March 11, 2014
how many songs does this mix have??
⃠vew staff March 20, 2014
⃠Infinitelove_ March 09, 2014
Hello can u check out my mix? thx
⃠haley0101 March 09, 2014
wow!! i listened this music album while exercised on the playground
⃠fratbeats March 07, 2014
Dope playlist! Featured on