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the terrible wound longing leaves


one of the scenes in supernatural that seems to stick with me is when castiel was able to locate claire based on the intensity of her longing. it really captures the essence of humanity, restless and layered, and how it is set apart from the programming of angels. humans tend to carry around so much that it sometimes can just seep right through their pores into another plane of existence.

part four of the sleepy road trip series.

12 tracks
1 comment on the terrible wound longing leaves

i'm listening to this just as I found out 8tracks is shutting down and I'm crying out of sadness and love and gratitude for spn and your beautiful mixes. thank you for all your work :)

@godkillers oh my gosh, thank you so much! i appreciate that a ton! i am pretty much devastated that 8tracks is shutting down and i don't really know what i'm going to do. i had so many playlists i was working on or had ideas for that now will unfortunately never see the light of day. due to the such short notice, i have been desperately trying to listen to playlists i wanted to and also move everything over to my spotify. i am going to miss it so much on here because of the community and the unique format of creating fandom playlists. i had so much fun and discovered so much amazing music on 8tracks, and i will always cherish that.
