40 comments on #1's by yeswecancan

Wow - great mix. Usually with mixes even half this length I run into too many songs I want to skip that I run out of skips and change mixes. Not so with this one!

Great, great. GREAT mix. It reminded me of what i listened to 8 years ago with a twist of new indie music. LOVE it!! Thank you!

Thank you so much for this amazing playlist!! Such a pleasure to listen to it, and it's sooo good that it's sooo long, so pleasure is not short ;))

It’s the burger king of the mind.

Money? Yeah sure, money. That’s what it’s all about anyway. Ask yourself this; when last did you see a wild animal. There’s a duality in the way we act on our ideas of good and bad. We all know that the world is amazingly fucked up. But we pretend, that we believe in a different concept of good and bad. Nature is good. You know this. It’s obvious. But in the name of Science and Progress, Technology and Destruction, we set aside our true minds. There is no balance in the endless lust for domination that we as a species indulge in. I for one feel differently. And I have a feeling that you do too, even if I don’t know you. I think it’s clear that we cannot continue the way we’re going.

stellar mix , every song broke my heart open and filled it with wonder. thank you. i love last.fm too, but this is beyond apps. it's the pain and joy of life. and art.
