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I'll jam the throttle and follow you

3 comments on I'll jam the throttle and follow you

Heaven in Our Headlights brings me to tears every single time. It's gotten to the point that it's referred to as 'that song that makes you screech and cry.' xD Also Hearts on Fire and We Won't Go Home. Those have to be my favorite three, in that order. I'm definitely stealing that spotify playlist idea. You're so fantastic thank you so much.

@ringsofshadows Heaven in Our Headlights kills me too...it was actually the first song I thought of when I decided to make a Nuxable playlist. I'm so happy you like the playlist so much though!!

i copied this as a public playlist on my spotify so i can listen to it anytime. take me to church is perfect for them! i may have cried....

@AmyOtterCat I am so honored to have been able to move you to tears with my playlist. And so honored that you put it on spotify to listen to whenever you want <3

@SummerSnow888 i acidentlay ended up listeing to other playlists after this one and thought it was still connected, but some of the songs fit really well! so i added them to spotify. my favorite accident is "shark attack" by group love with the line "break me down, break me down in the hot hot desert, this is where i want to be"

This playlist is a swift kick to the feels and I've run out of plays on mine and by girlfriend's accounts every day since we saw the movie. 10000/10, thank you for this beautiful thing, please excuse me while I continue to raise your listen count.
