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when it rains, it pours;

10 comments on when it rains, it pours; (View all)

i forget how long it's been; enough years that 8tracks died for a while there, but i'm back to drop a THIRD comment here because i want to make sure you know how important this playlist has been to me. this was the first character playlist that i ever fell in love with, but that was only one of the reasons it secured a special place in my heart. even after i stopped being really into SU, it continued to be something i can always come back to when i want that simple, soft, nostalgic feeling. the songs from it have made their way into basically every playlist that i want to have that same vibe (and can i just say that ending the title with a semicolon is an incredibly tone-setting and genius move that i still think about all the time?). it almost feels silly of me to say, but i really think your playlist changed my life, even if it was just in a few little ways. thank you <3

@penultimateApogee Oh my gosh....I'm speechless. This is very kind of you to take the time to write this, as well as leave the nice comments before!!! I take no credit for the songs, only putting them in this collection here. So... I'm stunned that this small thing I've made could have such an impact, let alone change your life.

It really seems that this is the year of nostalgia. I've been returning to the things I've always loved, too. And I know how special something is once it's made a space for itself in your heart, and it becomes something that you can never let go of, even if you forget it for some time or leave it behind. It's honestly amazing.

8tracks is a truly special place. I could go on about how cool it is, or was, in its "heyday" LOL. it's just really sad that people don't use it as much anymore, if at all. But anyway I'll wrap this up...I have to thank you for commenting and for listening and coming back to be so kind. Thank you thank you very much stranger and take care!!!

Hey, it's me again. I've been listening to this for ages now; I bought the songs and assembled it in iTunes to escape 8tracks' limitations (I still try to listen here every now and again to give it more plays). I can't thank you enough for making such a beautiful playlist. <3<3<3
