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a peculiar dance of light


from the streets of Hyderabad, hope for a better life; from a better life, hope for a better world

an instrumental playlist following the life of Satya Vaswani

[annotations with each song]

15 tracks
4 comments on a peculiar dance of light

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@DelightfulGalaxies Sorry for not getting back to you sooner! Personally I love isodoped's mix Utopia (http://8tracks.com/isodoped/utopia-1#smart_id=liked:6070024) for another symmetra instrumental mix, and for instrumental study mixes in general I jam to A Library In the Mist (http://8tracks.com/hulloemily/a-library-in-the-mist#smart_id=liked:6070024), Thou Shalt Hit the Books (http://8tracks.com/igniparous/i-thou-shalt-hit-the-books#smart_id=liked:6070024), and Infinite Horizons (http://8tracks.com/silvertown/infinite-horizons#smart_id=liked:6070024) I hope these help!
