9 comments on His grace meets us where we are by solhan

Thank you :) It really means a lot!
You are very sweet, and you are my favorite follower :D
If you want any prayers, I am here for you, too!

^double like :) I def would appreciate your prayers too...asking for them is something I don't do enough of, so thanks for the great example :)

Of course, I will pray for you!
I just prayed for you even though I don't really know any details :)
Thank you~ I really believe that prayer is very powerful :D

Thank you :) I def agree with you that prayer is powerful! God can use anything (even random people on here?? ;) to do life changing things :)

aw, thank you so much :) You are too kind!
Ooh, you know Korean praise songs are pretty awesome, too-
Artists, like Scott Brenner, sing in both English and Korean, so I think it's really cool :D

Thanks for that! I just looked him up! I've always wondered if there was decent Korean praise to listen to...considering groups like Hillsong are sung in pretty much in every country..know of any others?

Oh, yes-
there are so many Hillsong songs that are translated into Korean, and you can find them on YouTube
You can discover many different types if you type in 찬양 (which roughly translates into "praise songs")
예수전도단 and 마커스 have a lot of amazing praise songs
also, 예수전도단 has many songs that were originally English, so you might be familiar with many of them :]

wow...I'm listening to Mighty to Save by 예수전도단 right now!!! I will search more...i feel like i've uncovered a treasure thanks to you :) :) I think every country is into Hillsong...at first I thought they were annoying (oops...) but then i couldn't stop listening..I'm sure God had something to do with that change of heart haha...anyways, thanks again!

Good hear that, but I actually know few people who don't really like Hillsong so it's ok :)
I am so glad that you like them &예수전도단 now!
