35 comments on Paul's Boutique... revisited (in memory of MCA) by superbassomatic

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I remember around when this dropped,,,summer '89. I was a lil leery cuz I felt the orgy of samples overshadowed the raps/songs. Now that I'm grown, I appreciate it Much more, & noticed that Many producers became more creative w/ sampling ever since. LOVE the variety! PS-this also came out @ the Incline of Rap's Golden Age (1988ish to 94ish). Great Times; Lovely Mix! :) -d.j. CatScan

kids flipping furniture in the living room, i'm doing homework in the dining room before i have to go back to work, the music is nice. Thanks

Dig it. Always loved the Botique. The Beastie's took sampling to another level with this one. Nice concept to hear all the originals on this 8-track mix.
