famous songs from animated movies performed in the language of the place the stories are set in; because nothing screams "authentic" like hellfire in french;
apologies for the less than stellar quality of a couple of tracks - i couldn't find any better version;
156 comments on animated movies; the way it's meant to be (View all)
theoxfordteaspoon verified August 09, 2019
⃠v1singer August 30, 2016
This is perfect!
⃠vdeniston May 26, 2016
Seriously... this is beyond FREAKING AWESOME!
⃠hbearawesome February 08, 2016
This is satisfying ⃠
riley-b-13699 January 23, 2016
this playlist is so beautiful and amazing!!
⃠ixSepehr January 08, 2016
hearing the songs in a foreign language and i'm singing them in english, nice playlist! (:
⃠Sherlin-Merliniara December 22, 2015
this playlist is just beautiful.
⃠DisneyChildAtHeart<3 September 16, 2015
Oh this is delightful